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Cremos que, se os velhos pajs antropfagos conhecessem algo de medicina modernaepudessemcompreenderanaturezamrbidadoobesoesuaprovvel disfuno orgnica, de modo algum permitiriam que suas tribos devorassem os prisioneiros excessivamente gordos!

Compreenderiam que isso lhes poderia causarenfermidadesinglrias,emvezdesade, vigorecoragemquebuscavam nadevoradoprisioneiroemregimedeceva! Mas o homem do sculo XX, embora reconhea a enfermidade das gorduras, devora os sunos obesos, hipertrofiados na engorda albumnica, para conseguir a prodigalidade da banha e do toucinho: primeiro os enferma em.

O infeliz animal, submetido nutrio putrefata das lavagens e dos detritos, renovase em suas prprias dejees e exsuda a pior cota de odor nauseante, tomandose o transformador vivo de imundcies, para acumular a detestvel gordura que deve servir s mesas fnebres.

Exausto, obeso, letrgico e suarento, o porco tomba ao solo com as banhas fartas e fica submerso na lama nauseante; massa viva de ureia gelatinosa,quespodesererguidapeloscordames,paraahoradosacrifciono matadouro. Queadianta,pois,oconvencionalbeneplcitodesadio,quecumpre aoveterinrio,naautorizaoparaocortedoanimal,quandoaprpriacincia humana j permitiu o mximo de condies patognicas!

De modo algum essa ttrica profilaxia antibitica livrarvos da sequncia costumeira a que sois submetidosimplacavelmente; continuareisaserdevorados,domesmomodo,pela cirrose,acolite,alcera,atnia,oenfarte,anefriteouoartritismo;cobrirvos eis, tambm, de eczemas, urticrias, pnfigo, chagas ou crostas sebceas; continuareis,indubitavelmente,soboguantedaictercia,dagota,da enxaquecae das infeces desconhecidas; cada vez mais enriquecereis os quadros da patogenia mdica, que vos classificaro como casos brilhantes na esfera principaldassndromesalrgicas.

Pergunta Uma vez que os animais e as aves so inconscientes e de fcil proliferao,asuamorte,paranossaalimentao,deveserconsideradacrime tosevero,quandose tratadecostumequejnasceucomohomem?

Cremos queDeusfoiquemestabeleceuavidaassimcomoela,eohomemnodeve serculpadoporapenasseguirassuasdiretrizestradicionais,cumpriaaDeus, na sua Augusta Inteligncia, conduziras suas criaturas para outra forma de nutrioindependentedacarne:noverdade?

Ramats A culpa comea exatamente onde tambm comea a conscincia quandojpodedistinguirojustodoinjustoeo certodoerrado. Deusnocondena suas criaturas, nem as pune por seguirem diretrizes tradicionais e que lhes parecem mais certas; no existe, na realidade, nenhuma instituio divina destinadaapunirohomem,poisasuaprpriaconscinciaqueoacusa,quando desperta epercebeosseusequvocosanteaLeidaHarmoniaedaBeleza Csmica. Jvosdissemosque,quandooselvagemdevoraoseuirmo,paramatarafomee herdarlhe as qualidades guerreiras, tratase de um Esprito sem culpa e sem malciaperanteaSupremaLeidoAlto.

Asuaconscincianocapazdeextrair ilaes morais ou verificar qual o carter superior ou inferior da alimentao vegetalou carnvora. Masohomemquesabeimplorarpiedadeeclamarpor Deus, em suas dores; que distingue a desgraa da ventura; que aprecia o conforto da.

E ser um delinquente perante a Lei de Deus se, depois dessa conscinciadesperta,aindapersistirnoerroquejcondenadonosubjetivismo daalmaequedesmenteum IdealSuperior! Se o selvagem devora o naco de carne sangrenta do inimigo, o faz atendendo fome e ideia de que Tup quer os seus guerreiros plenos de energias e de herosmos; mas o civilizado que mata, retalha, coze e usa a sua esclarecida inteligncia para melhorar o molho e acertar a pimenta e a cebola sobre as vscerasdo irmomenor, vive em contradio com a prescrio daLei Suprema.

Demodoalgum podeelealegaaignornciadessalei,quandoagalinha torcida em seu pescoo e o boi traumatizado no choque da nuca; quando o porco e o carneiro tombam com a garganta dilacerada; quando a malvadez humana ferve os crustceos vivos, embebeda o peru para amaciar a carne ou entosaturaosunodesalparamelhorarochouriofeitode sanguecoagulado. Quantas vezes, enquanto o cabrito domstico lambe as mos do seu senhor, a quem se afinizara inocentemente, recebe o infeliz animal a facada traioeira nas entranhas, apenas porque vspera do Natal de Jesus!

A vaca se lamentaelambeolocalondematamoseubezerro;ocordeirochoranaocasio de morrer! S nomatais o rato, o co, o cavalo ou o papagaio, para as vossas mesas festivas, porque a carne desses seres no se acomoda ao vosso paladar afidalgado;emconsequncia,noaventuradoanimaloquevosimporta,mas apenasaingestoprazenteiraqueelevospode oferecernasmesaslgubres.

Pergunta Como poderamos vencer esse condicionamento biolgico e mesmo psquico, em que a nossa constituio orgnica hereditariamente predisposta alimentao carnvora? A cincia mdica afirma que, simples ideia denos alimentarmos,osistemaendcrinojproduzsucosehormniosde simpatia digestiva carne, e dessa sincronia perfeita entre o pensamento e o metabolismofisiolgico,achamosqueficademonstradaafatalnecessidadede nutriocarnvora.

Emcompensao,muitos vegetarianoshoreveladoalergia afrutasouhortalias! Noissobastanteparajustificaraafirmativadequeo nosso organismo precisa evidentemente de carne, a fim de poderse desenvolversadiaevigorosamente? RamatsOcigarrotambmnofoicriadoparaserfumadofanaticamentepelo homem; este que imita a estultice dos bugres descobertos por Colombo e termina transformandose num escravo da aspirao de ervas incineradas. A simpleslembranadocigarro,ovossosistemaendcrino,numperfeitotrabalho psicofsico, de preveno, tambm produz antitoxinas que devem neutralizar o veneno da nicotina e protegervos da introduo da fumaa ftida nos pulmes delicados.

A submisso ao desejo de ingerir a carne igual submisso do fumanteinveteradoparacomoseucomandoemotivo,poiselemaisvtimade sua debilidade mental do que mesmo de uma invencvel atuao fisiolgica. O viciadonofumoesquecesedesimesmoe,porisso,aumentaprogressivamenteo usodocigarro,acicatadocontinuamentepelodesejoinsatisfeito,criando,ento, uma segundanatureza,quesetornaimplacveleexigentecarrasco.

Comumentefumaissemnotartodososmovimentospreliminaresquevos comandam automaticamente, desde a abertura da carteira at a colocao do cigarro nos lbios descuidados; completamente inconscientes dessa realidade viciosa, j no fumais, mas sois fumados pelo cigarro, guiados pelo instinto indisciplinado.

No vcio da carne ocorre o mesmo fenmeno; viveis distanciados da realidade de que sois escravos do habito de comer carne. Se o sistema endcrinoproduzsucosehormniossimplesideiadeingerirdescarne,nempor issosecomprovaquefostesespecificamentecriadosparaanutriocarnvora.

E apenas um velho hbito, que atendeu s primeiras manifestaes da vida grosseira do homem das cavernas trogloditas e que, pelo vosso descuido, ainda voscomandaomecanismo fisiolgico,submetendoosuadireo. As providncias preventivas, no metabolismo humano, devem ser tomadasemqualquercircunstncia;ohinduquesehabituou ingestodefrutos sazonadosevegetaissadios,tambmfabricaos seus hormniosesucosdigestivos simples ideia daalimentaocomque estacostumado.

Adiferenaestemque elecarecedehormniosdestinadosnutriopuramentevegetal,enquantoque vs tendes que produzilos para a cobertura digestiva dos despojos da nutrio carnvora. Alegais que muitas pessoas se tornam enfermias, ao se devotarem alimentao vegetariana; em verdade, comprovais, assim, que sois to estratificados pelo mau hbito de alimentao carnvora, que o vosso metabolismofisiolgico jnoconsegueassimilara contentoosfrutossadioseos vegetais nutritivos, manifestandose em vs os pitorescos fenmenos de alergia.

Noentanto,desdeque disciplinsseisavontadeevigisseismentalmenteodesejo mrbido, despertando da inconscincia imaginativa da nutrio zoofgica, logo sentirvoseismaislibertosdoindefectvelcondicionamento biolgicocarnvoro. Pergunta Quais alguns exemplos que nos possam fazer compreender essa inconscinciaimaginativadiantedacarne? Ramats E quehmaisinvigilncia mentaldoque condicionamentobiolgico, de vossa parte, no tocante alimentao carnvora, e isso podeis verificar pela contradiodovossogostoepaladar,quesepervertemsobafalsaimaginao.

Quantasvezes,diantedecadveresdeanimaisvtimasdeumincndiooudeuma exploso, costumais sentir nuseas e repugnncia devido ao fato de vsceras carbonizadasexalaremoodorftidodecarnequeimada! Entretanto,momentos depois, atrados pelo aspecto da churrascaria pitoresca, excitaivos, dominados pelo mrbido apetite, esquecendovos de que o churrasco tambm carne de animalqueimadaafogolento,diferindoapenaspelanaturezadosmolhosquese lheacrescentam.

Acontradioflagrante:ali,arepugnnciavosdominadiante do cadver assado na exploso; acol, o condicionamento biolgico ou a negligncia de raciocnio produz sucos e hormnios que ativam o apetite degenerado. Tudoissoocorre,noentanto,sporqueaindaalimentaisailusode um prazer nutritivo, que sugerido por igual resto mortal, porm ao molho excitante.

A fumaa repulsiva, que se exala do cadver de um boi carbonizado no incndio,amesmaqueondulasobreasgradesgordurosasdachurrascaria,em que as vsceras do animal vertem albumina com vinagre e suco de cebola.

O pedaodecarnerecortadodosdespojoscadavricosdavitelaassadaaofogoda estrebariapodesertomacioegostosoquantoofiletmignonqueogarom decamisaengomadavosoferecesobreopratodeporcelana. Alnguaarrancada dobovinocrestado,naplvoradaexplosoinesperada,podesertoapetitosa quanto a que vos oferecida em luxuoso restaurante e sob as ondulaes melodiosasdafestivaorquestra!

Enquantovosdeixardescomandardiscricionariamenteporessavontade dbilepelaimaginaodeformada,ouinconscinciaimaginativa,sereissempre as vtimas dos vcios tolos do mundo e da alimentao perniciosa da carne. E evidentequenohcondicionamentodeespciealguma,quandosetratadessa disposioinfantil,emqueavossaimaginaoorasetornalcida,lobrigandoa realidade da carne queimada, ora se ilude completamente vendo um suculento petisconaquiloqueanteseraumarealidaderepugnante.

Pergunta Alm da enfermidade que pode ser transmitida pelo animal hipertrofiadonaengordaedaculpadohomemquantosuamorte,aingesto decarnecausatambm prejuzosdiretosalma?

Ramats O animal possui o duploastral, que revestido de magnetismo astral;esseveculoetreoastral,sobrevivedissoluodocorpofsicoeservede matriz para que, no futuro, o animal se integre novamente na sua espcie. Emboraesseduploastralsejaaindadestitudodesubstnciamental, que lhe permitiria alguns reflexos de razo, poderosamente receptivo s energiasexistentesnomeioemqueviveoanimal.

Conformeavida desteltimo,o seuinvlucrosobreviventetambmrevelaanatureza melhoroupiordaespciea que o animal pertence, Em consequncia, a aura do porco, por exemplo, sumamentegrosseira,instintivaeletrgica,emcomparaocomaauradoco, dogatooudocarneiro, osquaisjsesituamnumplano maisafetivoerevelam alguns bruxuleiosdeentendimentoracional.

Ochiqueirodeumclimarepulsivoerepletodeenergiasdeletrias,que atuamtantonocampofsicocomonaesferaastral. Quandoosunosacrificado, a sua carne reflui sob o impacto violento, febricitante e doloroso da morte; o choque que lhe extingue a existncia, ainda plena de vitalidade fsica, tambm exacerbalhe o duploetreo astral, e que est sob o comando geral do esprito grupo.

Essa matana prematura, que interrompe de sbito a corrente vital energtica, irrita furiosamente as foras de todos os planos interpenetrantes no animal; os demais veculos se contraem e se confrangem, ao mesmo tempo, atritandosenumturbilhodeenergias contraditriaseviolentas,queselibertam como verdadeiros explosivos etricos. H completa coagulao fsioastral; o sangue, que a linfa da vida e o portador dos elementos mais poderosos do mundoinvisvel,estagnaemseuseiooquantumdeenergiainferiordomundo astralequeoprprioporcocarreiaparaoseucorpofsico.

No instante da morte, as energias deletrias, que flutuam na aura do suno e lhe intercambiam o fenmeno da vida inferior, coagulamse na carne sacrificada e combinamse com o tnusvital degradante, que provm da engorda e do sofrimento do animal no charco de albumina e ureia. A carne do porcoficaverdadeiramente gomosa,pelasubstnciaastralquesecoagulaaoseu redoresefixa viscosamentenasfibrascadavricas. Os espritas e demais estudiosos da alma sabem que todas as coisas e seres so portadores de um veculo etreoastral, o qual absorve as energias ambientaiseexpeleasquesogastasnastrocasafinsaosseustipospsquicosou fsicos.

Quando ingeris retalhos de carne de porco, absorveis tambm sua parte astral inferior e que adere coagulao do sangue; essa energia astral desregradaepantanosaagressivaenauseantenos planosetricos;assimqueos sucosgstricosdecompemacarnefsicanoestmagohumano,libertase,ento, esse visco astral, repelente e pernicioso. Sob a lei de atrao e correspondncia vibratria nos mesmos planos, a substncia gomosa, que exsudada pela carne digerida no estmago, incorporase, ento, ao corpo etreoastral do homem e abaixaasvibraesdesuaaura,colandosedelicadafisiologiaetricainvisvel, semelhanadepesadacerraooleosaeadstringente.

Oastralalbuminosodo porco,quetambmingeridocomodeliciosopetiscoassado,transformaseem. Destemodo,dificultaseoprocessonormaldeassistnciaespiritualdaqui,poisos Espritos Guias j no conseguem atravessar a barreira viscosa do baixo magnetismo, a fim de formularem a intuio orientadora aos seus pupilos carnvoros.

Aauraseapresentasujadas emanaesdoastralinferioreofuscante, queseexsudadacarnedo suno. Os homens glutnicos e excessivamente afeioados carne de porco afirmamse dotados de invejvel vigor sexual, enquanto que as criaturas exclusivamentevegetarianassoalgoempalidecidas,letrgicas edistanciadasda virilidadecostumeiradomundodaspaixeshumanas. Essefatocomprovaqueo aumento da nutrio de carne acarreta tambm o aumento da sensao de ordem mais primitiva.

Mas, em sentido oposto, a preferncia pela alimentao vegetariana poderosoauxiliarparao Espritoselibertardojugomaterial. Os antigos banquetes pantagrulicos, dos romanos e babilnicos, em cujas mesas lautas se amontoavam assados e cozidos cadavricos, terminavam sempre nas mais lbricas orgias, que ainda mais se superexcitavam com a influncia do astral inferior dos animais devorados.

Ainda hoje, o excesso de alimentao carnvora, que preferida pelos aldees, estigmatiza muitos deles com o fcies sunico ou o estigma bovino, que lhes d um ar pesado e letrgico, caracterizando fisionomias que lembram vagamente o temperamento dos animais devorados. E a excessiva carga astral que lhes interpenetra o perisprito e transforma a configurao humana, fazendo transparecer os contornosdotipoanimalinferior. Nos planos errticos do Alm, muito comum encontrarmos Espritos que se afeioaram to fanaticamente aos despojos dos animais, que passam a reproduzir certas caricaturas circenses, com visveis aspectos animalescos caldeadospeloastralinferior!

Pergunta Os orientais, que so absolutamente vegetarianos, tm conhecimentocompletodosefeitosquenosrelatais,sobre acarne? RamatsOmestrehindu,meditativoemstico,queprocuracontinuamenteo contato com os planos mais delicados, evita a ingesto de carne, que lhe contaminaaauracomoastralinferior. Osguias,muitoconhecidosnatradio esprita,semprelutamcomdificuldadequandodesejamintuirvosapsoslautos banquetes de vsceras engorduradas, que digeris para atender ao sofisma das protenas.

Principalmente nos trabalhos de materializaes, os delicados fenmenos so imensamente prejudicados pela presena de assistentes com os estmagossaturadosdecarne,equeidentificamoclimarepulsivodonecrotrio ondeestosedecompondovsceras. Algunsmdiunsglutes eexageradamentecarnvorosironizam e subestimam as prticas e os ensinamentos esoteristas, destinados a apurar a sensibilidadepsquica atravsdoregimevegetariano. Essascriaturaspensamque as foras sutis dos planos anglicos podemse casar discricionariamente s erutaesfludicasdadigestoprovindadosretalhoscadavricos!

Raras so as que compreendem que, nos dias de trabalhos medinicos, passes ou radiaes, a carne deve ser eliminada de suas mesas. Outras h que ignoram que o xito de operaes fludicas distncia no depende absolutamente de protenas animais mas, principalmente, da exsudao ectoplasmticadeumsistemaorgnicolimpodeimpurezas astrais. Pergunta Qual o processo mais eficiente para o discpulo eliminar de sua auraouperispritoosfluidosdeletriosque soexsudadospelacarneanimal? RamatsEateraputicadojejumoprocessoquemelhorauxiliaoEspritoa drenar as substncias txicas que provm do astral inferior pois, devido ao descanso digestivo, eliminamse os fluidos perniciosos.

A Igreja Catlica, ao recomendar o jejum aos seus fiis, ensinalhes inteligente mtodo de favorecimentoinspiraosuperior. Asfigurasetreasdosfradestrapistas,dos santosoudos grandesmsticos,sujeitosaalimentaofrugal,comprovamovalor teraputicodessaalimentao. Ojejumaquietaaalmaealiberaemdireoao mundoetreo;auxiliaadescargadastoxinasdoastralinferior,quesesituamna aura humana dos civilizados.

Alis, j existem no vosso mundo algumas instituieshospitalaresquetmpodidoextinguirgravssimasenfermidadessob o tratamento do jejum ou pela alimentao exclusivamente base de suco de frutas.

Jesus,afimdenoreduziroseucontatocomoAlto, anteoassdiotenaze vigorosodasforasdastrevas,mantinhaasuamentelmpidaeagovernavacom absolutaseguranagraasaoslongosjejuns,emqueeliminavatodososresduos astrais, perturbadores dos veculos intermedirios entre o plano espiritual e o fsico. OMestrenodesprezavaesserecursoteraputicoparaa tessituradelicada do seu perisprito; no se esquecia de vigiar a sua prpria natureza divina, situada num mundo conturbado e agressivo, que atuava continuamente como poderoso viveiro de paixes e detritos magnticos a foraremlhe a fisiologia anglica.

Evitava sempre a alimentao descuidada e, quando sentia pesar em suaorganizaoasemanaesdoastralinferior,diminuaaresistnciamaterial aoseuesprito,praticandoojejum,quelhefavoreciamaiorlibertaoparaoseu mundocelestial. NuncavimosJesuspartindonacosdecarneouoferecendoperfisdeporco aos seus discpulos; ele se servia de bolos feitos de mel, de fub e de milho,.

Pergunta Na hora da desencarnao, a alimentao carnvora pode prejudicarodesprendimentodoesprito? Ramats A Lei imutvel em qualquer setor da vida; o xito liberatrio na desencarnaodepende,acimadetudo,dotipode vibraesboasoumsnahora em que o desencarnante submetido tcnica espiritual desencarnatria.

O perversoqueselanounumabismodecrueldade,navidafsica,sersempreum campodeenergiastrevosaseimpermeveisaodosespritosbenficos;maso santo,quesedtodoemamoreservioaoprximo,tornaseuma fontereceptiva de energias fulgentes, que lhe abrem clareiras para a ascenso radiosa. Justamente aps o abandono do corpo fsico que o campo energtico do perisprito revela, no Alm, mais fortemente, o resultado do metabolismo astral que entreteve na Terra.

Em consequncia, o homem carnvoro, embora evangelizado,semprehdesesentirmaisimantadoaosoloterrqueodoqueo vegetariano que, alm de ser espiritualizado, incorpore energias mais delicadas emseuveculoperispiritual. Reconhecemosque,enquantoofacnoravegetariano podeserumoceanodetrevas,ocarnvoroevangelizadoserumcampodeLuz; noentanto,comoaevoluoinduzharmoniacompletanoconjuntopsicofsico, entreohomemcarnvoroeovegetariano,quecultuemosmesmosprincpiosde Jesus,oltimo semprehaverdelograrmaisxitonasuadesencarnao.

A ausncia de carne no organismo livrao do excesso de toxinas; na desencarnao, a alma se liberta, assim, de um corpo menos denso e menos intoxicado de albumina e ureia, que provocam sempre o abaixamento das vibraes do corpo etrico. O boi ou o porco entretm a sua vida em regio excessivamente degradante, cuja substncia astral pode aderir aura humana, no s retardando o dinamismo superior como ainda reduzindo a fluncia das emoes anglicas.

Pergunta Porventura, o homem evangelizado, que se alimenta de carne, contrariaaindaasdisposiesdivinas? Noexistemtantosvegetarianosdem condutaeatpervertidos? Ramats No temos dvida em afirmar que mais vale um carnvoro evangelizado do que um vegetariano anticrstico. Mas no estamos cogitando agora das qualidades espirituais que devem ser alcanados por todos os entes humanos,massimconsiderandoseprocedebemounoacriaturaevangelizada queaindacooperaparao progressodosmatadouros,charqueadas,frigorficosou matanasdomsticas.

Aalmaverdadeiramenteevangelizadaplenadeternura, compassividade e amor; o esprito essencialmente anglico no se regozija em lamber os dedos impregnados da gordura do irmo inferior, nem se excita na. Nosecompreendecomopossao homem julgarse um ser adiantado, ante o absurdo de que o animal irracional preferealimentosuperioraodoseuprpriodono,quedotadododiscernimento darazo!

Louvamos incondicionalmente o homem evangelizado, ainda que carnvoro,masoadvertimosdeque,enquantomantivernoventreumcemitrio, h de ser sempre um escravo preso roda das reencarnaes retificadoras, at acertarassuascontascrmicascomaespcieanimal! Seeleumevangelizado, devesaberqueoatodesugartutanodeossoedevorarbifesoretmaindabem prximodos seusantepassadossilvcolas,quesedevoravamunsaosoutrosdevido suaprofundaignornciaespiritual.

Aingestodevscerascadavricaseoato demataroirmoinferiortantodistanciamafronteiraentreoanjoeohomem, comoagravamofardocrmicopara osfuturosajustesespirituais. PerguntaMasnonosestamosreferindoaodematar,isto,detirara vida,porquantomuitssimascriaturascarnvoras,mascujabondadeepiedade conhecemos, no so capazes de matar um simples inseto, quanto mais de destruirumaaveou animal! RamatsOscoraesintegralmentebondososepiedososnosevitammatar o animal ou ave, como ainda no tm coragem para devorarlhes as entranhas sobostemperosdecebola,salepimenta Aquelequemataoanimaleodevora aindapodesermenosculpado,porqueassumeempblicoaresponsabilidadedo seu ato.

No entanto, o que no mata, por piedade ou receio de remorso, mas devora gostosamente a carne do animal ou da ave, trucidados por outros, age manhosamenteperanteDeuseasuaprpriaconscincia. Apiedadedistncia no identifica o carter bondoso, pois muita gente foge aflita, quando o cutelo fereoinfelizanimal,masretornasatisfeitalogoqueapanelapradefervereas vscerasseapresentamapetitosas.

IssolembraoclssicosbadodeAleluia,em queosfiissemantmemestoicojejumdecarne,naQuaresmapreceituadapela Igreja, mas esto aguardando ansiosamente que o relgio marque o meiodia, paraentoseatiraremfamintossobreosretalhosfumegantes,quesecozemna moderna panela de presso! O homem piedoso, que se recusa a assistir matana do animal, quase sempre o mais exigente quanto ao assado e ao temperodestinado carnesacrificadadistncia. PerguntaArecusaemmataroanimalouavejno umprotestocontraa existncia de matadouros e charqueadas?

Isso no comprova a posse de uma almacommelhoraprimoramento espiritual? RamatsAscriaturasquematamaaveouoanimalnofundodoquintal,ou queobtmoseusalrionotrabalhodos matadouros,podemseralmasprimitivas, quenoavaliamograude suaresponsabilidadeespiritualjuntocoletividadedo mundo fsico.

Mas aqueles que fogem na hora cruel do massacre do irmo bem demonstramcompreenderaperversidadedoatoeoreconhecemcomoinjustoe brbaro. Em consequncia, ratificam o conhecimento de sua responsabilidade perante Deus, recusandose a assistir quilo que em sua mente significa severa acusaoaoesprito.

Confirmam,portanto,terconhecimentodainiquidadedese mataroanimalindefesoeinocente. Ebvioque,sedepoisodevoramcozidoou assado, ainda maior se lhes torna a culpa, porque o mesmo ato que condenam, coma ausnciadeliberada,ficajustificadopessoaleplenamentenahora famlica daingestodosrestosmortaisdoanimal. Os fujes pseudamente piedosos no passam, alis, de vulgares cooperadoresdasmesmascenasttricasdosacrifciodoanimal;o consumidorde carne tambm no passa de um acionista e incentivador da proliferao de aougues,charqueadas,matadourose frigorficos.

O vosso cdigo prev, na delinquncia do vosso mundo, penas severas tanto para o executor como para o mandante dos crimes de coparticipao mental,poisaresponsabilidadepesasobreambos.

Osque nomatamanimaisou aves, por piedade, mas digerem jubilosamente os seus despojos, tornamse coparticipantes do ato de matar, embora o faam distncia do local do sacrifcio;so,narealidade,cooperadoresannimosdaindstriadecarnes,visto queincentivamodinamismodamatanaaoconsumiremacarnequemantma instituiofnebredosmatadourosedotrucidamentoinjustodaquelesqueDeus tambmcriouparaaascensoespiritual.

Pergunta Cremos que muitos seres divinizados, que j viveram em nosso mundo,tambmsealimentaramdecarne;no verdade? Ramats Realmente, alguns santos do hagiolgio catlico, ou Espritos desencarnados considerados hoje de alta categoria, puderam alcanar o cu, apesar de comerem carne. Mas o portador daverdadeira conscincia espiritual, isto,aqueleque,almdeamar,jsabeporqueamaeporquedeveamar,no deve alimentarse com a carne dos animais.

A alma efetivamente santificada repudia, incondicionalmente, qualquer ato que produza o sofrimento alheio; abdica sempre de si mesma e dos seus gozos em favor dos outros seres, transformandosenumaLeiVivadecontnuobenefcioe,na obedinciaaessaLei benfica, assemelhase fora que dirige o crescimento da semente no seio da.

Essa conscincia espiritual tornase uma fonte de tal generosidade, que toda expresso de vida do mundo a compreende e estima, pela sua proteo e inofensividade. Sabeis que Francisco de Assis discursava aos lobos e estes o ouviamcomosefosseminofensivoscordeiros;Jesusestendiasuamoabenoada, eascobrasmaisferozesseaquietavamemdoceenleio;SriMaharishi,osantoda ndia, quando em divino samadhi, era procurado pelasaranhas, que dormiam em suas mos, ou ento afagado pelas feras, que lhe lambiam as faces; alguns msticoshindusdeixamsecobrircominsetosvenenososeabelhasagressivas,que lhesvoamsobreapele comamesmadelicadezacomqueofazemsobreascoroas dasflores!

Osantigosiniciadosessnicosmergulhavamnasflorestasbravias,afim de alimentarem os animais ferozes que eram vtimas das tormentas e dos cataclismos. Inmerascriaturasgabamsedenuncahaveremsidomordidaspor abelhas,insetosdaninhos,ces,oucobras. Geralmentesopessoasvegetarianas, queassimmantm integralmentevivooamorpelosanimais.

As almas angelizadas, que j chegaram a compreender realmente o motivo da vida do Esprito no mundo de formas, que possuem um corao magnnimoeincapazdepresenciarosofrimentodosanimais,tambmnolhes devoramasentranhas,domesmomodo comoosverdadeirosamigosdospssaros no os prendem em gaiolas mesmo douradas! E ilcito ao homem destruir um patrimnio valioso que Deus lhe confia para uma provisria administrao na Terra;cumprelheprotegerdesdeaflorqueenfeitaamargemdoscaminhosat ao infeliz animal escorraado e que s pede um pouco de po e de amizade.

O devorador de animais, pormais evangelizadoque seja, ainda um perturbador daordemespiritualnamatria;justifiquesecomoquiser,masapersistnciaem nutrirse com despojos animais prova que no se adaptou ainda, de modo completo,aosverdadeiros objetivosdoCriador. PerguntaQualareaopsicofsicaquedevesentirapessoa,soboimpacto dofluidomagnticoastralqueselibertada carnedeporco?

Ramats A reao varia de conformidade com o tipo individual: o homem comum,edemasiadamentecondicionado ingestodecarnedeporco,sentirse aindamaisfortalecidoeinstigadoenergeticamenteparaavidaderelao,assim como um motor pesado e rude funciona melhor com um combustvel mais grosseiro. Oshomenscolricos,irascveisedescontroladosnassuasemoes,que se escravizam facilmente aos impulsos do instinto animal, so comumente fanticos adoradores das mesas lautas, e grandemente afeioados s churrascadas.

O magnetismo vital inferior, que incorporam continuamente ao seu. As reaes variam, portanto, conforme a sensibilidade psquica e a condio espiritual dos carnvoros; um simples pedao de carne de porco,que seriasuficienteparaperturbaroperispritodelicadodeumGandhi,ou de um Francisco de Assis, poderia acelerar a vitalidade do psiquismo descontroladodeumNerooudeumHeliogbalo!

PerguntaDesdequeestamosoperandonummundo fsicoecompacto,que requer de ns atividades exaustivas, no poder o abandono da alimentao carnvoraprovocarnosumaanemia perigosa? RamatsSabeisqueocorpohumanoapenasumaconglomeradodematria ilusria, em que um nmero inconcebvel de espaos vazios, interatmicos, predominasobreumaquantidademicroscpicademassarealmenteabsoluta.

Se pudsseiscomprimirtodososespaosvaziosqueexistemnaintimidadedocorpo fsico, at que ele se tornasse o que em cincia se denomina pasta nuclear, reduziloeisaumapitadadepmicroscpico,queseriaamassareal existente.

O organismo humano maravilhosa rede de energia, sustentada por um gnio csmico. O homem Esprito aderido ao p visvel aos olhos da carne; na realidade, mais ntido, dinmico, verdadeiro e potencial no seu habitat espiritual, livre do p enganador. Vs ingeris grande quantidade de massa material, na forma de lauta alimentao, atendendo mais s contraes espasmdicasdoorganismo,doquemesmosuanecessidademagnticovital. O corpo,emverdade,sassimilaoquantumdequenecessitaparasusteraforma aparente,peloqualexcretaquasetodaaquotaingerida.

Nosplanetasmaisevoludos,aalimentaoquasetodabasede sucos, quepenetramnaorganizaoviva,algunsatpelofenmeno comumdaosmosee absolutamente sem excreo. Neles, as almas apuradas sabem alimentarse, em grande parte, atravs dos elementos etricos e magnticos hauridos do Sol e do ambiente,inclusiveo energismoprnicodooxigniodaatmosfera.

Novosserdifcilcomprovarqueinmerosoperriosmalalimentados conseguem realizar tarefas pesadas, assim como os tradicionais peregrinos de passado, que pregavam a palavra do Senhor ao mundo conturbado, viviam frugalmenteeabjuravamacarne. O progressoespiritualseevidenciaemtodosos campos de ao em que o esprito atua, pelo qual se realmente pretendeis alcanar o estado anglico tereis tambm que procurar desenvolver um metabolismo mais delicado e escolhido, na alimentao do vosso corpo.

A ascensoespiritualexigeacontnuareduodabagagemdeexcessosdomundo animal. Seria ilgico que o anjo alasse voo definitivo para as regies excelsas, saudosoaindadaingestodegorduradosseusirmos inferiores! PerguntaEseohomemteimaremsealimentarde carne,quaisosrecursos queosMestrespoderoempregarparaafastlo dessanutrio?

RamatsSabeisqueosexcessosnasmesaspantagrulicas,principalmentena alimentao carnvora, quando atestam a negligncia e a teimosia do esprito humano para com a sua prpria felicidade, so sempre corrigidos com a teraputica das admirveis vlvulas de segurana espiritual, que a no vosso mundo funcionam sob a terminologia clssica da cincia mdica com as sugestivas denominaes de lceras, cnceres, cirroses, nefrites, enterocolites, chagas,inclusiveacriaodecondiesfavorveisparahabitatdas amebascoli ou histolticas, girdias ou estrongiloides, tnias, ou irrequietos protozorios de formas exticas.

Sob a ao desses recursos da natureza, vose acentuando, ento, as trocas exigveis entidade espiritual, e a compulsria frugalidade vai agindo para atransformao exaustiva, mas concretizvel, do animal na figura do anjo. As excrescncias anmalas e mrbidas, que se disseminam pelo corpo fsico, funcionam na prodigalidade de sinais de advertncia, que regulam harmnica e equitativamente o trfego digestivo. Elas obrigam a dietas espartanasousubstituiespornutriesmais delicadas,aomesmotempoquese retificamimpulsosglutnicoseseaprimoramfunesquepurificamoastralem tornoenaintimidadedatessituraetrica.

Quantasvezesoteimosocarnvorose submetea rigorosaabstinnciadecarne,devidolceragstricaquesurgepara obrigloaseajustaraumanutriomaissadia! PerguntaPodemospressuporqueaDivindadetudofarparaquenofuturo sejamextintososmatadouros,frigorficosou aouguesdaTerra? Emvirtudedenoterceiro milnio no deverem existir mais as instituies que se mantm custa da indstriadamorte,elasdeverodesaparecer,poucoapouco,tantopormotivos de ordem econmica, epidmica ou acidental, como pelo repdio humano e a melhorianutritivadohomem.

Sabeisqueorepdiocarneumdosprincipais fundamentos das doutrinas do Oriente, em que se destacam o hermetismo, o hindusmo, o budismo, a ioga, o esoterismo e a teosofia, alm de milhares de outrasseitasquevicejamsuasombra. A proverbial negligncia do ocidental para com a absteno da carne, que lhe favoreceria um carma suave para o futuro, termina envolvendoo demoradamente na engrenagem melanclica das enfermidades, que obrigam a dietasangustiosasedespesascom mdicoefarmcia.

Pergunta Visto que a indstria da carne oferece trabalho a milhes de criaturas, cremos que a sua paralisao sbita representaria um desastre econmico para o nosso mundo.

Uma vez que se multiplicam aougues,. Ramats Quando apareceram no vosso mundo os primeiros automveis, os antigos cocheiros e construtores de veculos de trao animal tambm se apavoraram ante a iminncia de terrvel desastre econmico, pois temiam pelo fechamento das ferrarias, das fbricas de viaturas, e mais os prejuzos dos criadoresdecavalos,dos seleiros,dosartesos,pintoreseestofadores. Noentanto, a sabedoria da vida transformou tudo isso em oficinas mecnicas, em postos de gasolina, de lavagem de autos, surgindo ento os artfices da borracha, os garagistas, os petroleiros, os fiscais de trnsito, niqueladores, toldistas, fabricantes de parabrisa, pintores, e extensa indstria de tambores, latas, frascos,enfeites,edetecidosadequadosfabricaodeautomveis.

Emlugarda falncia prevista com angustioso pessimismo, desenvolveuse uma das mais poderosasatividadesquetmenriquecidoospasesoperosos.

Domesmomodo,a paralisao da fnebre indstria da carne, alm de se tornar inefvel bno para a vossa humanidade, h de favorecer a edificao do mais rico parque industrialdeprodutosfrugvoros,vegetaiseseusderivados,capazdeatenderao paladar mais exigente, e que atualmente se encontra deformado pela nutrio cadavrica.

A qumica e a botnica sero chamadas a contribuir decisivamente paraanovariqueza,produzindoosmaisvariadostiposdefrutas,quehodese transformarembocados paradisacos! A suposio de que a Divindade est de acordo com a manuteno de aougues e matadouros consequente de interpretao falsa dos desgnios de Deus; reparai como se tornam atualmente mais dificultosas as aquisies de carneporpartedospobres,queseveemobrigados,porisso,arecorreraoutras fontesdealimentao.

Ignoraisque,medidaqueaumentaadificuldadeparao homem ingerir carne, atrofiase o mecanismo psquico do desejo carnvoro, que poucoa poucovaidesaparecendocomaabstinnciacompulsria. Anteacomprovaocientficadequeacarnedoanimalcansado, oucom oseumetabolismoperturbado,provoca tambmperturbaesnosqueingerem, porque ficam aumentadas as toxinas que circulam no sangue, j deveis ter percebido que todas as vezes em que ingerirdes carne estareis absorvendo um pouco do veneno do animal.

Os mdicos estudiosos podero notar que o recrudescimento de surtos amebisacos e das infeces inespecficas do clon intestinal, inclusive as ulceraes e fstulas retais, eventos hemorroidrios e aumento de viscosidade sangunea, so causados, em parte, pelo uso imoderado da carne de porco.

Em vista do aumento constante dos indivduos hiperproteinizados, cujos cadveres povoam os cemitrios, em consequncia de sncopes, enfartes e derrames cerebrais, embreve ouvireis o grito alarmante da vossacinciamdica:evitemacarnede porco! Pergunta Mas, deixando de lado a indstria da carne, propriamente dita, no considerais os vultosos prejuzos que decorreriam da extino dos matadourosoucharqueadas,devidofaltadematriaprimaparaofabricode artefatosdecouro?

RamatsDificilmenteconseguiscompreenderasdivinasmensagensqueDeus vos envia, solicitandovos a modificao de velhos hbitos perniciosos e oferecendo, em troca, outros meios mais valiosos e que atendem substituio desejada.

Dehmuitoqueproliferamnovossoorbeasindstriasabenoadasdo nylon e de outros produtos de manufatura plstica, capazes de substituir com xitoamrbidafabricaodeartefatosdecouroarrancadoaoinfelizanimal. No terceiromilnionoseromaispreferidososapato,abolsa,acarteiraouotraje confeccionadocomamatriaprimasangrenta,queestimulahojeaindstriada morte.

Estantes Esoterismo 1. Outros Assuntos 3. Editora: conhecimento. Comprar Ver detalhes. Vendido por Sebo Recife. Sebo Recife. Editora: freitas bastos. Vendido por Subverso Livros. Subverso Livros. Bom estado geral, levemente amarelado, assinatura na primeira folha, vinco na capa, fita adesiva transparente nas bordas da capa, contracapa e lombada Saiba mais. Editora: editora do conhecimento. Vendido por Maite Livros.

Maite Livros. Saiba mais. Editora: do conhecimento. Vendido por Simetra Books. Simetra Books. Vendido por Livraria Investilivros. Livraria Investilivros. Vendido por Vinha de Luz. Pesquisar no documento. Documentos semelhantes a Ramatis - Fisiologia Da Alma. Alexandre Funcia. Rafael De Miranda Tavares. Shemina Romano Diniz Fonseca. Renata Fontes. Alvaro Galdos. Angelmar Constantino Roman.

Everaldo Gomes de Oliveira. Alberto Andrade. Katya Figueira. Magnun Barbosa. Julia Martins. Rherysonn Pantoja. Rodrigues Neto. Edy Guedes. Jaqueline Lima. Gheovana Augusto. Bob Drake. Fbicontato Spinol. Olivio Silva.

This is mostly due to the Ghost-type Gym Leader, Allister, who replaces Bea in this version and has a much stronger team. It features both fast and defensive Pokemon with fewer common weaknesses.

However, even Melony beats out Gordie in the late game thanks to her Ice-type proficiency. Her team still has a similar number of weaknesses — however, her defensive stats are much more well-rounded on teammates like Lapras. And her speedier Pokemon can actually threaten your team, making Pokemon Shield the harder Pokemon game between the eighth generation picks. Some of this has to do with Special and Physical moves being divided, which makes many of the weakest Pokemon far stronger.

However, it ends up being substantially easier due to its status as a fourth-generation game, as it doesn't prevent you from evolving certain Pokemon like Gligar and Aipon into their new evolutions.

This can lead to some absurdly powerful Pokemon that you aren't expected to have, and it ends up being a much simpler experience as a result. Pokemon Yellow is in a relatively weird spot in terms of difficulty.

On the one hand, it gives players access to all three Kanto starters, alongside a powerful Pikachu to start their team, meaning your team will likely be incredibly powerful compared to the original Kanto games. On the other hand, there are tons of especially powerful opponents unique to this third version, including conflicts with Team Rocket and a much more intimidating Champion Blue waiting at the end.

It gives you some great tools, but you'll need them to survive the new trials it throws at you. The original Sinnoh games from the Nintendo DS aren't as difficult as they are boring.

In theory, it should be quite difficult due to its level spike, as many trainers like Cynthia late in the game can be astonishingly more powerful than an average trainer's team. Unfortunately, most of the game's Gym Leaders have pretty predictable weaknesses, and there's a lack of certain Pokemon types to utilize this level advantage. Flint, the Fire-type expert from the Elite 4, actually has very few Fire-types because of the problems with Sinnoh's Pokedex, meaning Grass and Steel-types had an unusual advantage.

No original Pokemon in the main story meant teams could look incredibly different from each other and forced you to create a diverse team to make your way through it. The main problem in this game is Team Plasma, which ends up being disappointingly easy to defeat in nearly every story segment. Few members use evolved Pokemon and their teams rarely consist of unusual partners, making your new foe N the only real threat from this major aspect of the game.

The first trip to Alola was certainly not a walk in the park, but it bounced a lot between absurd difficulty and beginner-friendly matches.

The greatest challenges are the Totem Pokemon, a replacement for Gym Leaders that had ridiculous stats and two-on-one scenarios that absolutely test your team. Unfortunately, these are combined with an incapable Rival and a disappointing Elite 4, as well as an easily-resolved final battle with Lusamine. There are some testing moments early on when you're building your team, but once you've reached some final evolved forms, it's going to be a significantly simpler process of burning through opponents.

There are certainly some early-game challenges like Brawly's Makuhita and the infamous rival fight before the third gym. Still, the real challenges come with a unique double battle in the seventh gym and the hardest Elite 4 in the series so far. Being the third generation of games, there are also some mechanics in this version that are unusually more frustrating, such as all Water-type moves being Special Attacks.

It's easy to get used to them, especially for casual players who aren't as concerned about stats, but it's still not a walk in the park unless you do a little research. The classic Pokemon games are a great baseline for difficulty, as the original games have exceptionally smooth level scaling and wonderfully diverse teams for opponents. What holds it back is a serious balance problem, in that Psychic-type Pokemon like Starmie and Alakazam were grossly overpowered while Rock-types were basically unusable.

This meant the game could be quite easy in some places, but most players would likely have experienced this in a more balanced way. Charmander getting Metal Claw is a prime example, as this new Steel-type move meant that those who chose this Fire-type starter weren't at such a steep disadvantage. That said, it's not that much different from the original game in terms of difficulty, with some overpowered Pokemon still being as strong as ever.

That said, it's still frustrating to see some overpowered Pokemon still as strong as ever, especially the fast and easy-to-catch Starmie. This game ends up feeling like the hardest Pokemon game because of its massive spike in levels later on, but this is more because standard trainers and Team Rocket grunts grant less experience than in any other Pokemon game.

You'll be fighting far more Zubat and Rattata in this game than any other region, and with so many of the new Johto Pokemon not having great moves or stats, you'll be struggling if you want to have more than three or four party members.

This game isn't the hardest Pokemon game, but it gets way too difficult if you spread your team out too thin. The main changes that came with Crystal include a new side plot with Suicune and a mix of version exclusives, but there's one key difference in its Pokedex that makes it harder. That would be the lack of many Johto Pokemon that are widely considered some of the strongest in the game , particularly Ampharos and Girafarig.

This will put a lot more pressure on you to find powerful Pokemon. While the variety in the wild is greater, the power levels of your options are made slightly weaker by the greater list of unobtainable Pokemon. Pokemon Black 2 specifically wins in terms of difficulty thanks to a hard-to-unlock Hard Mode, which you could load to other games if you'd unlocked it. This is mostly irrelevant since you needed two games and DS consoles to do it, but both these Unova sequels gave a much greater set of challenges with their larger Pokedex.

This expanded Pokedex makes Team Plasma far more threatening, and new first and second Gyms make for much better Normal and Poison-type tests. This game's challenges are also expressed in the World Tournament, an especially deep challenge that lets you fight against powerful versions of Gym Leaders from throughout Pokemon history. Totem Pokemon were all raised in power to be even more menacing, and the new expanded Pokemon variety included many that evolve at late levels to put you at a disadvantage.

Not great. Except… they kind of are. The whole medieval theme to Team Plasma is also just a bit weird. At least it was always funny to imagine what Team Galactic grunts had to ask for whenever they went into a barber shop. Not a single person on Earth cares about Heatmor — look, you get the picture already.

Just fine. The main detail that allows Black and White 2 to usurp their predecessors and become the best Unova games is their inherent status as sequels.

Sure, the likes of Spewpa and Binacle are pretty… bad. But Talonflame? They somehow manage to be extremely tame and extremely weird at the same time, and ludicrously pair each and every one of their successes with an odd or downright bad design decision on the whole other end of the spectrum.

Who cares whether or not the five-year-olds are having fun? In general, the entire atmosphere of Sinnoh is superior in Gen 4 because of how well-suited the region is to the art style depicting it. The art and music are loads better here though, leading to an overall superior experience. Just remember that neither these games nor the remakes are the best way to explore Sinnoh — more on that later.

Coming out of the Rock Tunnel and heading south to Lavender Town is still as impactful as ever. Silph Co. See that pun? Ultra Beasts are great, Team Rainbow Rocket is still a brilliantly absurd concept, and in general they just feel like a slightly more fleshed-out version of Alola. Want to know why? Like, 16 gyms? Blaine deciding to live inside an actual volcano? Just beware of the fact this is the generation where Team Rocket went through a bit of a… phase. What better way to run a supervillain organisation than to chop off Slowpoke tails next to a village where some guy fashions PokeBalls out of apricorns?

On top of tons of quality-of-life improvements, a much better lineup, and a whole new postgame section, Platinum just feels premium compared to its predecessors. It also leans into what made Sinnoh intriguing.

The Lion King is another fairly decent portable. It follows the story of the film and has some graphic changes from the Bitters. The most notable of which is the stampede scene It's a little easier, but that's okay. It was kinda tough before As far as playability, TLK holds its own and can hang with the others.

Veteran gamers can get into it easily as well as kids. I like the Bit versions and this game seems to capture all the aspects that made them great. The colors and soundtracks are excellent from start to finish. Like the Bit versions, the game play isn't great, but it is fun to swing and run This game will instantly appeal to kids as well as experienced gamers. With detailed levels and good control, this is one game portable fans will want to get.

Aladdin on the Sega Mega Drive and the Super Nintendo even though they were different games were both fantastic. The Lion King had a tough act to follow. For this game, Disney had it so each console as well as the PC got the same game. The only real differences are the quality of visuals and the sound. One pretty neat thing is that they managed to follow the plot of the movie pretty well.

The game has you starting out as young Simba and then you eventually play as adult Simba. The game does not have much story and it is lacking in cut scenes which Aladdin did have. However, if you have seen The Lion King movie then you will feel right at home here. One thing that this game and Aladdin have in common is they look fantastic.

Disney animators once again lent a helping hand here and it certainly shows. I feel this is most evident for the levels where you play as young Simba as the way he moves is great. The whole game looks fantastic and has the lush jungles and the darker tones of the later part of the movie as well. As well as looking good, The Lion King sounds amazing! It features all of the songs from the movie and they sound great, but there are also some very impressive voice samples here as well.

The whole game from the way it looks to the way it sounds is an absolute pleasure. I hate to keep talking about Aladdin, but that game managed to get the blend of looking like a Disney movie, but still being fun to play down really well.

The Lion King is not a bad game, but it is not as good as Aladdin. You play as both cub and mature Simba and each one has a very different play style. Young Simba is more about running and jumping, older Simba is more about slapping stuff around. These running sections can be brutal.

It looks great, it sounds great, but it is very, very frustrating to play. The whole game can be frustrating and it demands a great deal from the player. I bet younger kids who got this for Christmas in were very frustrated. The collision detection can be just a tad off, but it is more the brutal difficulty in general that makes this such a tough game. You have to know coming into this that it is a very, very challenging time. If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and let out a loud roar and get good at the game, you will find getting to the end of it a rewarding experience.

With The Lion King coming out in movie theatres this year and the original game being released in time for the holidays. So, get ready to be king and sing Hakuna Matata as we join Simba to try and save the pride lands!

Much like Aladdin which was released a year or so prior. The Lion King looks like a million bucks. The reason for this is that the game was actually designed with animators from Disney. This gives the game a very colorful and special kind of look. The way that Simba and the other characters move is pretty amazing. This is especially true for the sections when Simba is a cub. Watching him scramble to get up on a platform looks amazing. I really think that the animators outdid themselves here.

The game captures the look and feel of the movie very well. As well as looking great, The Lion King also sounds great. There are also some very high-quality voice samples from the movie too.

As far as the gameplay of The Lion King for PC goes, I do not think there is anyone who will say that this is a better game than Aladdin which came before it. The Lion King is a very, very challenging game. It can be brutally tough and not always in a fair way. That is because the collision detection can sometimes be a little off and on the second level where you have to jump from hippo tail to hippo tail it can be very frustrating.

One cool thing that the game does have is variety. It follows the plot of the movie pretty well, hitting all of the major scenes. It is cool how cub Simba and adult Simba play differently and this along with the bonus Timon and Pumba stages do keep the gameplay from getting stale. The problem most people will have is getting past that second stage as cub Simba. Do not let the upbeat music and super bright visuals fool you that stage is a monster! This was hard back when it was released in and it is still very hard now.

Still, it is beatable, but it takes a great deal of practice. I would bet that many people who played this back in never got past that second stage! If you are a Disney fan, I would say that the game is worth playing for the fantastic visuals and music alone!

Sega teamed up with Disney for this handheld adaptation of last summer's smash movie, The Lion King. While not as spectacular-looking as the bit versions of the cart, this game is worth purring over. The story line follows the movie's: Simba can't wait to be king, and then his father is murdered by evil Unde Scar. As in the movie, Simba ages from junior cub to full-grown lion.

The game's ten levels are straight from the film. Once he's grown, he returns from exile to battle jungle enemies like hyenas, bugs, wildebeests, and, finally, the nefarious Scar himself. In this hop-n-bop game, Simba uses a few simple but effective moves as a cub-a pounce, roar, and roil. As an adult lion, he can also slash his enemies with his paw. I made it to the last level. I made it halfway through the level, battling Scar two of the three times and killing off hyena after hyena.

I was having a perfect game until I made one mistake. I misjudged a jump and missed the platform I was aiming for, sending Simba plunging into the darkness in between.

The sound was from the movie. It was from the infamous Stampede scene when Mufasa fell to his doom. I figured that this was just a hacked version of the game and someone thought it would make the game better to add sound clips from the movie. But then instead of returning to the level I was on, the game restarted from the beginning. But then the startup screen changed.

Instead of the cheery screen I remembered from my childhood or from two seconds ago for that matter it was dark, blurry and odd colored. Red, black and blue. It almost looked like a night shot of the original screen. But I thought it might just be a glitch and pressed start anyway. Instead of Timon saying his normal phrase there was a strip of red writing which seemed to flash and twist on the screen. It said a quote that I recognized and actually loved. Who shall say where the one ends and the other begins.

Why was it on a Disney game? But I played anyway. The first level was all wrong! First off, I had no lives left when I should have had eight. And the sky was pitch black. The first level was usually a cheery, sunny level. Worst of all, young cub Simba was lying down in an unnatural, crumpled position.

He was bloody and shaking. For the heck of it I tried to move him with the arrow keys and he reached his arm out slowly and dragged himself along the ground, leaving a trail of crimson blood behind him like a slug leaves a trail of slime. The progression was slow but the crisp Autumn weather outside made me excited for Halloween so I decided to try and play this disturbed version of my favorite game. When I needed to jump the half dead lion cub jumped almost like normal, except each jump he lost a body part.

The bloody part of him fell into the crevice he was jumping. Each jump made our crumpled hero bloodier and bloodier. At the end of the level the hyena was different too. I wondered what awaited me on the next level as the first one faded to black. Simba was back to the original state he was on the first disturbed level. He dragged along as he made his way to the rhino.

He jumped on the rhino's head, his tail falling off along the way and the rhino flipped him up into the trees into the arms of the monkeys. This is the part when Simba was supposed to jump on the heads of giraffes over water to the other side. But there was a problem. The giraffes were beheaded.

Bloodily with amazingly disgustingly detailed. I could see the bone sticking out. But he jumped from giraffe to giraffe by clinging to the necks. The blood made him slip off quickly so I had to jump quicker and quicker to keep from falling in the water. Later in the level the ostrich he is supposed to ride was beheaded and skinned with frightening realism. It looked more like a photo I had seen taken at fur farms of dead animals.

The ostrich lurched in an odd, distorted way as it ran. The rest of the level was about the same. The monkeys beheaded and the tree on fire and Simba crawled through the upside down madness. As that level faded the screeching sound returned as well as something completely unexpected.

But instead of the gold color he should be, he was black and his eyes glowed green. He opened his mouth and said in a hissing voice. What did that mean?! Was this twisted game trying to pass off that Mufasa was supposed to have let go of the cliff on purpose?

This one was right side up, thank goodness. And Simba was surprisingly normal! Hmmm… maybe the hacker got bored and decided to leave this level alone. My thoughts were proven wrong as soon as I thought them. The Elephant Graveyard was strangely devoid of life. No hyenas came to attack me like they were supposed to. I just thought of that as an easy out and began to run through the game. I scream ripped loudly through the speakers and the monitor, not just the screen, but the whole monitor shook.

That freaked me out but I figured it was probably just vibrating from the loudness of the screams. Anyway, I had a new thing to worry about. Disney created original cels just for this game, and its animation expertise shows throughout. The Lion King is a very popular video game based on the animated film produced and launched by Disney. The adult Simba in particular looks just like a real lion as he fights his way through the game's later levels. It's always better when developers can use the real tunes from the movie, and they've used'em all here.

Nice details, like the sound of drums pounding and some digitized voices which aren't as good as their SNES counterparts , finesse the entire effect. Despite all the good looks and sounds, something s missing from Lion King. Once you master an area, playing through it again isn't very much fun because everything s exactly the same.

The game's too hard for beginners, and it doesn't really have enough variety and challenge for intermediate players. Overall, it's worth saving Pride Rock once for the graphics and sound alone, but it's not a quest you're likely to tackle again. Play as the legendary Aladdin as he tries to rescue Jasmine and avoid various enemies. Complete the levels based on the scenes from the animated film, unlock bonuses and boosters, move around and bypass obstacles. Keep track of high scores and access special modes.

Aladdin 5. Our antivirus check shows that this download is safe. The software is categorized as Games. The common filenames for the program's installer are aladdin.

Let it Download Full Version game in your specified directory. Open the Game and Enjoy Playing. Features Intuitive Game Viewer: View full game playthroughs, with the capacity to skirt forward, bounce in, and begin playing anytime Save Feature: Quickly save your advancement in every one of the games and proceed with your experience any place and at whatever point you need Historical center Features: Take an excursion in the background and become familiar with the making of these extraordinary games.

Watch video interviews with the first improvement groups or investigate various exhibitions containing many already unreleased HD idea pictures and promoting resources. Soundtrack: Listen to the whole soundtracks for the two games in the included music players.

Whenever pleasing a picture of a still thing i would regularly catch the resultant picture had a haze effect payable to the duration it took the phone to save the picture. This is not a trouble for your layout festival breaks however whenever you aspire to utilize Global or take a picture of anything near up this subject befits a genuine trouble and property the generally quality. Read More. Advanced Search. Softwares by Cell Phone:.

Post Your Opinion. Browser Calculator 2. Camera - Viewer Connectivity 1. Dictionary 4. The Apple iPhone hype has been so overwhelming that it's easy to forget that there are other damn good phones out there at the moment.

In the same way as the Apple iPhone is instantly appealing, the LG Viewty is beautiful to look at and one of the best-looking phones we've seen. It features an impressive 5-megapixel camera complete with auto-focus and xenon flash. The real star of the show is the 3-inch LCD touchscreen which lets you type text and email messages, view images, browse the web, shoot video and much more.

The touchscreen is amazingly responsive and is also set to vibrate when you enter a command. This gives you a more tactile sense of touching the screen than with standard displays. The vibrating feature is also useful when typing in a SMS text message or a phone number. The numeric or alphabetic keypad on the touchscreen works in the same way as a standard mobile phone keypad, but without the traditional mechanical buttons.

There's also a handwriting recognition option which you can use for typing emails and text messages. We found this function slow and fiddly though - it was a lot quicker just tapping the touchscreen keypad. The back of the device looks like any compact digital camera. The main feature, the 5-megapixel lens, sits at one end. We would have preferred if the lens was actually covered when not in use, as it's now unprotected from dust.

The xenon flash and auto-focus light is beside the lens. As for taking pictures, the LG Viewty offers the same camera modes and functionalities as compact digital cameras. LG has been one of the foremost cell phone suppliers on the market for several duration. Payable to this, it arrives as no shock to a lot of that the Business is assiduously on the stalk to make the recent and most mobile phones likely for the customer market. Payable to this, the recent mobile phone that has been free from the Business is the U cell phone.

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LG has exposed decomposed the U - a high end phone that it expects will copy the victory of the fresh showy phones from the business. The U will brag a 5-megapixel camera and is 3G-enabled, with HSDPA high speed download packet access high speed download technology, rapidly to be existing on the 3 system in the UK.

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Adam Cochran, for tying up the many slippery loose ends that needed to come together in order for this edition to be realized,. Alan Rice for his steadfast enthusiasm for this project, and for rallying the support of Caltech's Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. We wish to thank Carver Mead, for his warm encouragement and generous financial support, without which this edition would have been impossible, Thomas Kelleher and Basic Books, for their open-mindedness in allowing this edition to be published free of charge, Adam Cochran, for tying up the many slippery loose ends that needed to come together in order for this edition to be realized, Alan Rice for his steadfast enthusiasm for this project, and for rallying the support of Caltech's Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy.

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That I am the subscribing witness to the Instrument. Need Help With This Question? Document Preview About this Document. Last Will and Testament Information A Last Will and Testament, also known as a Will or Last Will, is a document that allows you to dictate how your assets will be distributed after you pass away, as well as how dependent children and pets will be cared for. Who are the parties in a Last Will and Testament? There are many different parties in a Last Will and Testament, and each has a different role.

What information should be included in a Last Will and Testament? To complete your Last Will and Testament, you will need to provide: Personal information about yourself, such as your name and address Your current marital status Who you wish to name as your executor and their contact information Information about all of your biological and legally adopted children Information about any assets or gifts you wish to give and the recipients or beneficiaries of them.

When do you need a Last Will and Testament? You should create a Last Will and Testament if you: Get married, have children, or separate from a spouse Have monetary assets, such as investments, savings, etc. Does a Last Will and Testament need to be notarized? What is the residue of an estate? Create your free Last Will and Testament quickly and easily. Know someone who wants to get started on estate planning?

Pass this document along:. It is especially important to review a Will on the following events :. In order to be valid, a Will does not need to adhere to any specific form, or feature certain languages. However, the document must disclose the intention of the testator in making dispositions of his or her property to come into effect at death.

A typical Will usually provides that all debts of the estate including taxes should be paid first although they are payable anyway. It names one or more executors, who will be responsible for administering the estate, and then set out the powers of the executor s in administering the estate. It may provide for their compensation or it may be silent, in which case compensation is governed by the common law. A Will then sets out any specific gifts of property or money that are to be made.

Whatever is left after all of the specific gifts have been given and all debts have been paid is called the residue of the estate. A Will should contain a residue clause specifying how the residue should be distributed. The residue is often the largest part of an estate, but its value will depend on the assets and debts of the testator at the time of his or her death and cannot be determined at the time the Will is made.

The larger the specific gifts or debts, the smaller the residue. For a Will to be formally valid, it must be signed by the testator and two witnesses at the same time in the presence of each other.

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Install the optical drive. The method will vary depending on your shell, but they are typically inserted from the front of the bay opening, and they slide into SATA connectors.

Remove the panel covering the motherboard. This panel will most likely be more difficult to remove than the hard drive panel. You may need to pry it open after removing all of the screws. Install your memory. Once the panel is open, you will have access to the motherboard and memory slots. Install the CPU.

Turn your CPU over so that you can see the pins. There should be one corner that is missing pins. This notch will line up with the notch on the socket. The CPU will only fit in the socket one way. If the CPU does not seat itself, do not force it, or you may bend the pins, ruining the processor.

Install the cooling fan most laptops use centrifugal fans. Your CPU should have come packaged with a cooling fan. Most fans will have thermal paste already applied to the bottom where it connects with CPU. If the fan does not have any paste, you will need to apply some before the fan is installed. Once the paste has been applied, you can install the fan. The exhaust must line up with the vents on your shell. This part can be tricky as you attempt to line everything up. There may be also some mounting bolts to place.

If your case includes a bay to place fan dust filter, place a dust filter to prevent dust from clogging the heatsink. Keep the heatsink angled until you find the right position.

This will help keep the thermal paste from getting all over your components. Close your panels. Once you have installed all of the components, you can place the panels back over the openings and secure them with screws.

Your laptop is complete! Part 3. Make sure that the battery is inserted. It is easy to forget the battery in the build process, but make sure that it is inserted and charging properly before booting up the computer. Check your memory.

You can also check that the memory you installed is recognized by using the BIOS. Find the Hardware or Monitor section to see if your memory appears.

Install an operating system. For self-built laptops, you can choose between Microsoft Windows or a Linux distribution.

Windows costs money, but it offers a larger range of programs and hardware compatibility. Linux is free, secure, and supported by a community of volunteer developers. There are many versions of Linux to choose from, but some of the more popular include Ubuntu , Mint, and Debian. It is recommended that you install the latest version of Windows released, as older versions lose support after enough time has passed.

Install your drivers. Once your operating system is installed, you will need to install drivers for your hardware. Most modern operating systems will do most of this automatically, but you may have one or two components that need to be installed manually.

Most components will come with their drivers on a disc. Use the disc if your operating system cannot find the correct drivers. Matt Ham Computer Repair Specialist. Matt Ham. It should really depend on your needs. Please include all extra characters, such as hyphens or colons or periods as they appear within the number. Possible error formats where 'x' could represent a letter or number : xx. One or more of the values entered is not permitted.

Please wait while we process your request. This process can take several minutes depending on the number of warranties being checked. Select registration option. Error: Javascript is disabled in this browser. This page requires Javascript. Modify your browser's settings to allow Javascript to execute. See your browser's documentation for specific instructions.

HP Customer Support. Select your model. In my case it is a 6-pin and an 8-pin. After that is in place and secured with screws in place a time where tool-less is not enough , the network card and audio card for the computer are connected into the slots below the graphics card.

With all components in place, it is time to make your hard work look like a work of art. Hiding cables and organizing them will help in the future if you are looking for high airflow through the case or to light it up.

Small steps taken through out the process of installing the components can pay of huge at this point by not needing to re-run the cables around brackets or through holes in the frame.

Some of the management was done out of the box for this model being that the front panel and fan cables were already secured ahead of time. Another thing to think of is that the back panel does not leave a large space if you have several cables running over the top of others.

A few trial and error steps later this will look and perform with ease. Also, it is a nice point to brag once you call up your friends to show off the system you assembled with your own hands. This step is also when fans and lights can be connected. The assembly of a brand new computer can take several hours. Just to remove and mount in a new case with no other modifications took me 3 hours, 2. With the job complete it is time to fire it up and enjoy your creation.

From here you can add your operating system and software as you see fit. Hope this helps you. Leave a comment if there are questions you still have that were not covered. Brother, don't you think there is a problem with your installation like this? Why install the motherboard into the case first. Reply 11 years ago on Introduction. CPU: Q 2. Do you run a website off of that computer? I couldn't understand why else someone would need that much hdd space.

Reply 10 years ago on Introduction. Closet space Cabinet space

Managing Laboratory Safety. Laboratory Audits. Annual Audit Specialty Audits. Biological Material Registration. Institutional Biosafety Committee Registration. Laser Registration. Registration and Program Information. Radioactive Material Permits. X-Ray Registrations. Bloodborne Pathogens Program. Hazard Communication Program HazCom. HazCom Program Information. Hazardous Material Transportation.

Safety Training Curriculum and Prerequisites. Training Records. Access Training Records and Print Certificates. Laboratory Safety. An integral trough shall be provided at the rear of the hood to collect wash-down water. Perchloric acid is a widely used reagent know to produce flammable or explosive reaction products; hence, the need to have wash down capabilities after each use to remove residues.

A watertight surface will contain any chemical spills or leaks from leaking to underneath hood. The ductwork shall provide a positive drainage slope back into the hood. Ductwork shall consist of sealed sections, and no flexible connectors shall be used. Where such is the likelihood, the hood must have a bag-out plenum for mounting such filters and fan capacity for proper operation of the hood with the filter installed.

The most appropriate location for the plenum is near the exhaust port of the fume hood i. Consult with the Radiation Safety Program for specific requirements. These hoods must provide appropriate worksurface heights, knee clearances, reach to controls, etc. Special Purpose Hoods: These hoods include enclosures for operations for which other types of hoods are not suitable e. Laboratory hoods and special local exhaust ventilation systems SLEV shall be labeled to indicate intended use e.

A label must be affixed to each hood containing the following information from the last inspection:. NFPA 45, Chapter Stanford determined it was appropriate to create a label with the above information. New hoods can be mounted above a chemical storage cabinet, provided that the cabinet meets the Uniform Fire Code requirements for construction. Recommend that solvent storage not be located under the laboratory fume hood, as this location is where fires are most likely to occur in laboratories.

Type stainless steel should be used for all parts of the fume hood system ventilation duct as long as compatibility is maintained. Fume hood interior surfaces shall be constructed of corrosion resistant, non-porous, non-combustible materials such as type stainless steel, and should be smooth and impermeable, with rounded corners.

Type stainless steel SS is specified to avoid corrosion, thereby extending fume hood life. Splashes of liquid containing radioactive materials can be easily cleaned when hoods are constructed of non-porous materials such as stainless steel. Perchloric acid digestion over time may result in the condensation and consequential formation of perchlorate crystals, which in large quantities pose an explosion hazard, especially if combined with organic chemical condensate.

Hood inserts are only permitted for radioactive iodination procedures specifically approved by the Stanford Radiation Safety Officer. Laboratory hoods shall be provided with a means of containing minor spills.

The means of containing minor spills might consist of a 6. The air foil at the front of the hood floor assures a good sweep of air across the working surface toward the back of the hood. This minimizes the generation of turbulents or eddy currents at the entrance to the hood. Adjustable baffles with horizontal slots must be present in the fume hood interior at the back and top. Locating the slots in this manner will attain reasonably uniform face velocity under different conditions of hood use as related to heat sources, size, and configuration of equipment in hood.

Before a new fume hood is put into operation, an adequate supply of make up air must be provided to the lab. A fume hood exhausts a substantial amount of air. For this reason, additional make up air must be brought into the room to maintain a proper air balance. Laboratory fume hoods shall provide a minimum average effective face velocity of feet per minute fpm , with a minimum of 70 fpm at any point.

An airflow indicator shall be provided and located so that it is visible from the front of the fume hood. Performance criteria for various airflow indicators are as follows:. Baffles shall be constructed so that they may not be adjusted to restrict the volume of air exhausted through the laboratory hood.

Fans should run continuously without local control from hood location and independently of any time clocks. If users have ability to shut off hoods or control their use with a time clock, there is a potential for users to conduct research in a hood that is not operating.

For new installations or modifications of existing installations, controls for laboratory hood services eg. Shutoff valves for services, including gas, air, vacuum, and electricity shall be outside of the hood enclosure in a location where they will be readily accessible in the event of fire in the hood. The location of such a shut-off shall be legibly lettered in a related location on the exterior of the hood. Exhaust fans shall run continuously without direct local control from laboratories.

Chemical fume hood exhaust fans should be connected to an emergency power system in the event of a power failure. This backup power source will ensure that chemicals continue to be exhausted. Emergency power circuits should be available for fan service so that fans will automatically restart upon restoration after a power outage and supply at least half of the normal airflow.

After power returns, the system shall continue operation, exactly as before, without the need for any manual intervention. Alarms shall require manual reset, should they indicate a potentially hazardous condition. Fume hood ventilating controls should be arranged so that shutting off the ventilation of one fume hood will not reduce the exhaust capacity or create an imbalance between exhaust and supply for any other hood connected to the same system.

In installations where services and controls are within the hood, additional electrical disconnects shall be located within 15m 50ft of the hood and shall be accessible and clearly marked. Exception: If electrical receptacles are located external to the hood, no additional electrical disconnect shall be required. Locating services, controls, and electrical fixtures external to the hood minimizes the potential hazards of corrosion and arcing.

Hood lighting shall be provided by UL-listed fixtures external to the hood or, if located within the hood interior, the fixtures shall meet the requirements of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. Light fixtures should be of the fluorescent type, and replaceable from outside the hood.

Light fixtures must be displaced or covered by a transparent impact resistant vapor tight shield to prevent vapor contact. Fluorescent bulbs radiate less heat than conventional bulbs while maintaining a safe and illuminated work area inside the hood.

The valves, electrical outlets and switches for utilities serving hoods should be placed at readily accessible locations outside the hood. All shutoff valves should be clearly labeled. Plumbing e. Hoods shall have transparent movable sashes constructed of shatter-resistance, flame resistant material and capable of closing the entire front face. Vertical-rising sashes are preferred. If horizontal sashes are used, sash panels horizontal sliding must be 12 to 14 inches in width.

Sashes may offer extra protection to lab workers since they can be positioned to act as a shield. Manifolded fume hood exhaust ducts shall be joined inside a fire rated shaft or mechanical room, or outside of the building at the roofline.

Horizontal ducts must slope at least 1 inch per 10 feet downward in direction of airflow to a suitable drain or sump. Liquid pools and residue buildup which can result from condensation may create a hazardous condition if allowed to collect.

Ducts exhausting air from fume hoods should be constructed entirely of non- combustible material. Gaskets should be resistant to degradation by the chemicals involved and fire resistant. Automatic fire dampers shall not be used in laboratory hood exhaust systems. Fire detection and alarm systems shall not be interlocked to automatically shut down laboratory hood exhaust fans. Fire dampers are not allowed in hood exhaust ducts.

Normal or accidental closing of a damper may cause an explosion or impede the exhausting of toxic, flammable, or combustible materials in the event of a fire. Any other type of fan orientation increases the fan work load and increases the risk of exhaust emission re-entrainment.

Hood exhaust stacks shall extend at least 7 feet above the roof. Discharge shall be directed vertically upward. If parapet walls are present, EHS recommends that stacks extend at least 2 feet above the top of a parapet wall or at least 7 feet above the roof, whichever is greater. Hood exhausts shall be located on the roof as far away from air intakes as possible to preclude re-circulation of laboratory hood emissions within a building. For toxic gas applications, the separation distance shall be at least 75 feet from any intake.

Discharge from exhaust stacks must have a velocity of at least 3, fpm. Achieving this velocity should not be done by the installation of a cone type reducer. The duct may be reduced, but the duct beyond the reduction should be of sufficient length to allow the air movement to return to a linear pattern. Fume hood exhaust is not required to be treated e. In this instance, the fume hood exhaust treatment system must be approved by the SU Radiation Safety Officer prior to installation and use.

Laboratory ventilation exhaust fans shall be spark-proof and constructed of materials or coated with corrosion resistant materials for the chemicals being transported. V-belt drives shall be conductive. Vibration isolators shall be used to mount fans.

Flexible connection sections to ductwork, such as neoprene coated glass fiber cloth, shall be used between the fan and its intake duct when such material is compatible with hood chemical use factors. Each exhaust fan assembly shall be individually matched cfm, static pressure, brake horsepower, etc. Exhaust fans shall be located outside the building at the point of final discharge.

Each fan shall be the last element of the system so that the ductwork through the building is under negative pressure. An exhaust fan located other than at the final discharge point can pressurize the duct with contaminated air.

Fume hood ducts must be maintained under negative pressure. Fans shall be installed so they are readily accessible for maintenance and inspection without entering the plenum. If exhaust fans are located inside a penthouse, PPE needs for maintenance workers shall be considered.

Wind engineering evaluations should be conducted for all wind directions striking all walls of a building where fume hood exhaust is likely to have significant ground level impact, or is likely to affect air intake for the same nearby buildings. Emergency generator exhaust should be considered in the wind engineering study. System design must provide for control of exhaust system noise combination of fan-generated noise and air-generated noise in the laboratory.

Acceptable SPL may vary depending on the intended room use. The issue of ventilation in cold rooms during periods of occupancy or for storage of hazardous materials must be addressed. Cold Rooms used only for the storage of non-hazardous materials do not require ventilation in addition to that specified by the manufacturer.

Specialty rooms, designed for human occupancy must have latches that can be operated from the inside to allow for escape. Latches and frames shall be designed to allow actuation under all design conditions, such as freezing. Magnetic latches are recommended. Doors of walk-in specialty rooms must have viewing windows and external light switches.

Proper operation of fume hoods must be demonstrated by the contractor installing the fume hood prior to project closeout. See certification requirements, Section 3. Baum, Melvin W. This section presents the minimum requirements for eyewash and shower equipment for the emergency treatment of the eyes or body of a person exposed to hazardous substances. A plumbed eyewash shall be provided at all work areas where formaldehyde solutions in concentrations greater than or equal to 0.

Substances classified by the manufacturer or distributor according to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals GHS as Category 1 serious eye damage or Category 2A irritant eye hazards. Substances identified by the manufacturer or distributor as causing corrosion, severe irritation, or permanent tissue damage to the eyes. Provisions for Emergency Showers. A plumbed emergency shower shall be provided for all work areas where, during normal operations or foreseeable emergencies, areas of the body may come into contact with a substance which is corrosive or severely irritating to the skin or which is toxic by skin absorption see box below.

Substances classified by the manufacturer or distributor according to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals GHS as Category 1 skin corrosion or Category 2 skin irritation skin hazards. Substances identified by the manufacturer or distributor as corrosive or severely irritating to the skin.

Substances identified by the manufacturer or distributor as toxic by skin absorption. Laboratories and laboratory support facilities using and handling hazardous substances will generally require eyewash and safety showers. Biological laboratories using bleach and other chemical disinfectants will generally require eyewash and safety showers. For new construction and major renovations, careful consideration should be given to not only current, but also future use of the laboratory as research needs change.

Without an emergency eyewash and safety shower, future use of hazardous materials in the space will be restricted or require potentially costly retrofitting. Emergency eyewash and shower equipment shall be on the same level as the hazard and accessible for immediate use in locations that require no more than 10 seconds for the injured person to reach.

The path of travel must be free of obstructions. If both eyewash and shower are needed, they shall be located so that both can be used at the same time by one person. The average person covers a distance of approximately 55 ft. Other potential hazards that may be adjacent to the path of travel that might cause further injury should be considered.

One intervening door can be present so long as it opens in the same direction of travel as the person attempting to reach the emergency eyewash and shower equipment and the door is equipped with a closing mechanism that cannot be locked to impede access to the equipment i.

The path of travel shall be clearly identified with signage. Emergency eyewash and shower locations must be identified with a highly visible sign positioned so the sign is visible within the area served by eyewash and shower equipment.

The areas around the eyewash or shower must be well lit. No obstructions shall be located within 16 inches from the center of the spray pattern of the emergency shower facility. Note: The eyewash is not considered an obstruction. No electrical apparatus or receptacles electrical outlets shall be located within a zone measured 3 feet horizontally and 8 feet vertically of eyewash stations or showers.

If a volt outlet or receptacle is present within 6 feet of an eyewash or shower, it shall be equipped with a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter GFCI. Emergency eyewash and shower equipment shall not be limited in the water supply flow rates.

If shut off valves are installed in the supply line for maintenance purposes, provisions shall be made to prevent unauthorized shut off. Where feasible, floor drains should be installed below or near safety showers, with the floor sloped sufficiently to direct water from the shower into the sanitary sewer drain. Floor drains will minimize the potential for excessive flooding, which may damage laboratory facilities and equipment, interrupt laboratory operations, cause a reluctance to use the safety shower or to use it for a sufficient amount of time, and create a slipping hazard.

Floor drains will also facilitate required monthly testing. Any floor drain which may be in service during safety shower use shall be installed with a temporary plug which remains closed except when the shower is in use or protected from spills by a covered sump or berm system.

The installation of a floor drain, temporary plug, covered sump, or berm shall not project into the walking surface so as to create a tripping hazard.

Walkways shall be stable, planar, flush, and even to the extent possible. The installation of a berm must not impede the flow of water from the emergency shower into the floor drain.

Drains will minimize the potential for excessive flooding, which may damage laboratory facilities and equipment, interrupt laboratory operations, cause a reluctance to use the eyewash or to use it for a sufficient amount of time, and create a slipping hazard. Drains will also facilitate required monthly testing.

Modesty curtains should be considered for emergency showers. When installed, a minimum unobstructed area of 34 inches shall be provided.

The removal of contaminated clothing while using a safety shower is essential. Modesty curtains remove a potential impediment to use and encourage the removal of contaminated clothing. Proper operation of the equipment must be verified by the contractor installing the emergency eyewash or shower equipment prior to project closeout and facility occupation.

Tags to allow monthly testing records to be kept must be affixed to the showers and eyewash fountains. By testing the equipment, Stanford can be assured that it is working properly before the users begin their research.

Plumbed eyewash and shower equipment shall be activated at least monthly to flush the line and to verify proper operation. Such equipment shall meet all applicable requirements. Supplemental equipment, including personal eyewash units or drench hoses which meet the requirements of ANSI Z Water hoses, sink faucets, or showers are not acceptable eyewash facilities.

The Guide applies to all Stanford University facilities, including leased properties. It covers all unfired pressure vessels i. Note that there are numerous regulations governing the proper use of compressed gas cylinders; use is not addressed by the Guide, as it is a work practices issue, rather than design feature.

Adequate space shall be made available for the segregation of gases by hazard class. Flammable gases shall not be stored with oxidizing agents. Separate storage for full or empty cylinders is preferred. Such enclosures shall serve no other purpose. Work practice issues: Oxygen cylinders shall not be stored near highly combustible materials, especially oil or grease, or near any other substance likely to cause or accelerate fire per 8 CCR d. Liquefied fuel-gas cylinders shall be stored in an upright position so that the safety relief device is in direct contact with the vapor space in the cylinder at all times.

The heating of flammable gas storage areas shall be indirectly heated, such as by air, steam, hot water, etc. Laboratory design shall include restraints for the storage of cylinders greater than 26 inches tall; the restraint system shall include at least 2 restraints made of non- combustible materials , which are located at one-third and two-thirds the height of the cylinder.

A restraint system of chains, metal straps, or storage racks provides a reliable method of securing gas cylinders. Chains or metal straps at the bottom and top one third of each cylinder provides protection against tipping and falling. Verify locations, types, and color temperatures with users.

Verify locations with users. General: single outlets at 0. Special bench power requirements to be verified. Class A, chemical fume hood with remotely located exhaust blower. Class II, types A, B2, or B3, depending on specific application, with remotely located exhaust blower. Epoxy resin in laboratory spaces where fume hood or chemically rated biological hood is installed. Stainless steel in spaces where biologically contaminated evidence is to be placed on the work surface.

Chemical resistant plastic laminate in all other laboratory spaces not identified above. Standard plastic laminate in nonlaboratory spaces such as offices, conference rooms, Laboratory sinks. Epoxy resin in epoxy resin countertops, all other locations stainless steel.

At all clean sinks. Verify other special locations with users. Located at the entrance to every laboratory section. Used only to wash hands upon leaving a laboratory section. Provide lab coat hangers. Provide cabinetry for storage of soap, paper towels, rubber gloves, and other protective garments as determined necessary by the users. At all epoxy resin sinks and fume hood cup sinks. May include dilution system, neutralizing filters, or holding vessels, depending on local authority and plumbing design.

Recommended minimum of 12 to 15 air changes per hour, direct exhaust to exterior. Washable finishes. Shall be designed as an interlock between clean and dirty spaces with air handled through differential pressurization to prevent exfiltration of contaminated air.

Shall contain all the features of the clean sink areas described above. Minimum size: 5. Exhaust system to expel both heavier- and lighter-than-air vapors. Laboratory floors. Laboratory walls. Laboratory ceilings. Nonlaboratory spaces. Standard laboratory casework with utility access space behind base cabinets Steel or wood preferred, plastic laminate acceptable.

Maximize use of flexible laboratory casework systems. Generally, one four-drawer filing cabinet, or the equivalent file storage space, should be provided for each analyst at the area of the nonlaboratory workstation. Reflective surfaces. Vibration-proof flooring. High-strength flooring. Universal Facility Design Components Although no two forensic laboratories are alike, there are basic functional components and areas that are universal to most laboratory buildings.

The following set of checklists serve as recommended guidelines and requirements for universal laboratory building components, and have been divided into four categories: administrative, building, technical support, and general technical.

Based on existing space standards, if any. Shared offices or open office systems furniture. Book stacks. Periodicals shelves. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HVAC equipment rooms. Air handling systems. Fume and biological hood exhaust equipment. Central plant water treatment systems. Domestic hot and cold water systems. Fire extinguishing systems and sprinkler control rooms.

Instrument gas manifold and distribution systems. Data line provisions. Service entrance and main switch gear. Emergency generator. Uninterruptable power supply UPS equipment.

Electrical closets. Electrical service panels. Lunch room. Break room s. Locker rooms with showers. Rest rooms. Lab coat cleaning. Shipping and receiving. Hazardous waste disposal. Compressed gas cylinder storage. General waste disposal. General laboratory storage. General supplies storage. Long-term files storage. Chemical storage. Evidence receiving and return counter from and to submitting agencies. After-hours secure evidence lockers. Evidence disbursal and return counter to and from laboratory sections.

Evidence custodian workstations: minimum 5. Evidence supervisor office: minimum Evidence workroom. Evidence drying. Workbench space: 3. One shop sink per bay. Laser or remote fiber light source. At Spectro, a team works together for you to shape your dreams into creating a world class lab. So if you are a lab manager, facilities manager, Engineer or contractor who is planning, budgeting, or setting up a new lab or expanding existing facilities, we can help with tailored solutions that meet your specific requirements.

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