Scream shut up WAV. Scream with banging WAV. Fighting scream WAV. Distant screams WAV. Scream what. Intense scream WAV. Kids scream sound WAV. Lo-fi scream WAV. Silly scream WAV. Loud reverb scream WAV. Short shock scream WAV. Panic scream WAV. Short high-pitched scream WAV.
Evil laugh with scream sound WAV. Female torture scream WAV. Woman screaming sound WAV. Echoey aah WAV. Mouse scream WAV. Short basic scream WAV. Three screams WAV. Falling scream WAV. Squeal sound WAV. Darth Sidious- Enemy of the Republic. General Grevious- Situation. General Grevious- Predicted. Battle scene. Obi-Wan- Easy. Yoda- Twisted. Vulture droid talking. R2 taking comlink. R2 squirting oil. R2 sounding sassy. R2 chatter. Lightsaber and droids getting killed.
Elevator beeping. Buzz droids talking. Share Star Wars revenge of the Sith:. Related Boards: Eight Crazy Nights. Robots say Famous Movie lines. The Other Guys Soundboard. Grand Moff Tarkin Quotes. But beware of the dark side. YODA: Feel like what? YODA: I'm wondering, why are you here? LUKE: I'm looking for someone YODA: Looking? Found someone you have I would say hmmm? LUKE: Right. YODA: Ahhh!
Great warrior. Wars not make one great And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we YODA: That is why you fail